Post in evidenza

I due modelli di Ecat attualmente in pre-ordine. Energia sicura e abbondante a costi bassissimi.

"L'Ecat è un generatore di elettricità che produce più energia di quella che consuma. Non produce radiazioni ionizzanti, ne emissio...

giovedì 6 settembre 2012

Presentazione in diretta online dell'E-Cat [agg. 10/09].

A partire da sabato 8 settembre ore 14:00, e a proseguire per il giorno seguente domenica 9, in diretta streaming dal Technopark di Zurigo, sarà possibile seguire la presentazione del dispositivo E-cat.

Ecco il video della diretta (online dal 8/9 ore 14:00 al 9/9):
[agg. 10/09: è possibile visionare ora la registrazione dello streaming nel video qui di seguito. Per visionare tutte le sezioni della conferenza, cliccare sul simbolo USTREAM.]:

Video streaming by Ustream

Il programma delle due giornate:

Saturday, 8 September 2012

2.00 pm Opening and Overview
Adolf and Inge Schneider, TransAltec Inc., Zurich/CH
2.15 pm E-Cat Technology for Industrial and Home Applications
The alternative way to a sustainable and pollution-free Energy
Adolf Schneider, Dipl.-Ing., CEO/POB TransAltec Inc., Zurich/CH
3.15 pm History, Theory and Practice of Cold Fusion
Energy conversion via Weak Interaction processes
Dr. sc.nat. Hans Weber, Dipl.-Physicist, London/GB and Zug/CH
4.30 pm Coffee Break
5.00 pm Profitability of 1 MW E-Cat Plants for Heat Generation
Central heating for small residential estates, hotels, industry and shopping centers etc..
Hartmut Dobler, CEO Dobler Heiztechnik, Weinstadt/GE
5.45 pm Advantages of 1 MW E-Cat-Plants for Process Heat Generation
Application Possibilities of E-Cat plants for industrial processes
Uta Stechl, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Stechl GmbH, Tuessling/GE
6.30 pm Dinner
8.00 pm Development and Future Aspects of E-Cat Technology
- Overview about the environmentally friendly Nickel-Hydrogen technology
Magnus Holm, CEO Hydrofusion, Great Britain and Sweden
- Test results of the 600 degree E-Cat, report from an impartial testing company
Andrea Rossi, CEO Leonardo Corporation Inc., Miami/USA and Bologna/IT
- Parameters of the automatized E-Cat control system
Fulvio Fabiani, Engineer, Leonardo Corporation, Miami/USA

Sunday, 9 September 2012

10.00 am Strategies and Concepts of Licensees in Europe
Web appearance and introduction of E-Cat in the markets of Scandinavia
Magnus Holm, CEO Hydrofusion, Great Britain and Sweden
10.30 am Potential markets of the E-Cat-Technology in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Adolf Schneider, Dipl.-Ing., CEO/POB TransAltec AG, Zürich/CH
11.15 am Potential markets of the E-Cat-Technology in Germany
Gerd Neumann, NewMan Consult, Kaufungen/GE
12.00 am Lunch
1.30 pm Application of the Nickel-Hydrogen Technology for Desalination Plants
Development of a conversion of heat into electrical energy for desalination plants
William Donovan, Chief Technical Adviser, E-Cat-Australia, USA
Roger Green, Managing Director, E-Cat-Australia, Australia
2.30 am Novel Concept for the Conversion of Heat into Electric Energy, with Demo
Highly efficient method for generating electricity from low temperature heat
Dr. sc.nat. Hans Weber, London/GB and Zug/CH
3.15 pm Alternative Primary Energy Resources for Heat and Electricity
Forecasts of the development of the energy markets with cold fusion technologies
Dr.rer.oec. Daniel Kellenberger, QM systems, Nürendorf/CHand Berlin/GE
4.00 pm Coffee Break
4.30 pm Panel Discussion with Andrea Rossi and other Speakers
Moderation: Dr.rer.oec. Daniel Kellenberger
5.30 pm Closing Address

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